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Studio Policies & Procedures
An annual non-refundable fee is required at registration. Sibling registration is free. Classes are confirmed with completed registration including payment plan. By registering, you authorize the studio to electronically debit your bank account or credit card.
Payment of Fees
Tuition is paid by automatic bank account or credit card, Visa or MasterCard. Our preferred method of payment is checking account. Debit cards are not accepted. All withdrawals occur on the 1st of the month. The annual tuition for dance and music lessons is based on 30 regular classes for the period of September-June. Monthly tuition equals 1/10 of the annual tuition and is not based on the number of weeks/classes in a month. All holidays and vacations have been accounted for. There are no refunds for missed classes or inclement weather closings. Instead, students are invited to schedule makeup classes. The first and last tuition payments must be paid by September 1st, or at the time of registration. October – May monthly tuition payments are due by the first of each month. Any non-sufficient funds transactions will incur a $20 NSF fee.
All students are automatically registered for the recital. If a student is not participating in the recital, a Recital Non-Participation form must be filled out by guardian, by October 31st. If a form is not filled out by October 31st, the account on file will be automatically charged for recital costumes. No student or class is permitted to perform choreography or use costumes in any outside venue before the recital or the end of competition season.
Costumes Fees
Costume fees will be charged to the automatic bank account or credit card (Visa and MasterCard accepted) on file. Competition Team costume charges occur on September 15th. Recital costume charges occur on November 15th. Costume fees are non-refundable once charged.
Withdrawal and Refunds
A one-month notice from the 1st of the month is required to discontinue any class. Withdrawal must be done with the office, not the teacher. There are no refunds for withdrawals after March 1st; if a student withdraws after March 1st the account on file will be charged for the balance of the year’s tuition. There are no refunds for missed lessons.
Make-up Lessons
Dance students are permitted four makeup lessons per class, per season. Makeup lessons cannot be transferred from season to season, siblings or other programs. Makeup classes are available through April 15th. Music students are permitted two make-up lessons per season with a 24 hour notice.
Mandatory Closure
Should classes have to go online due to the guidance from the Governor of the State of NJ, we will follow the same class schedule. Tuition will remain the same.
Private Lessons
Cancellations and rescheduling must be made 48 hours prior to the scheduled lesson. Private lessons may be rescheduled up to two times a year. Rescheduling must be done with the same teacher based on their availability. "No shows" are not eligible for make-ups and there are no credits for missed lessons.
Inclement Weather
It is the parent's responsibility to go to our Facebook page or call the studio one hour prior to class time for information on school closings. Make up classes may be taken, please schedule with the office. There are no refunds for classes canceled due to inclement weather.
Dress Code
Required dancewear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes. Leotard colors are:
Twinkling Twos and PS Combo: Pink
Kindergarten/Grade 1: Lavender
Grades 2 & up: Black
Shoe colors: pink ballet shoes, tan flat tap shoes, tan jazz shoes, tan lyrical turners. Boys wear all black shoes. Students are not permitted to wear street clothes or street shoes. Any dancewear or shoes that you need are carried in Sharon's Store. Click here to download dance shoe requirements for each class.
Parent/Guardian Responsibility
I agree to have my child dressed appropriately for class. I agree to drop off and pick up my child on time. I also agree to regularly check the studio calendar to ensure I am informed on dates and events. I agree to inform the studio of any address, telephone number or account changes.
Photo Release
The school is hereby granted permission to take photographs and/or videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name.
Class Size
A minimum of six students is required to keep a class open.